Leading EPDM seal manufacturer, delivering high-quality seals for various industries worldwide.

Ship Seals

The term “ship seals” can refer to two different things:

  • Ships that are used to hunt and kill seals. These ships are typically called “sealing ships” or “sealers”.
  • The seals that are used to prevent water from seeping into a ship’s hull. These seals are typically called “watertight seals” or “hull seals”.

In the context of your query, I think you are referring to the first meaning of “ship seals”.

Sealing ships were used in the 19th and early 20th centuries to hunt seals for their fur. The seals were typically hunted in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Sealing ships were often large and powerful vessels, and they were equipped with harpoons and other weapons used to kill seals.

The practice of sealing is now largely illegal, but there are still some sealing ships operating in the world. These ships are typically used to hunt seals for their meat and oil.

The term “seal” is also used to refer to the seals that are used to prevent water from seeping into a ship’s hull. These seals are typically made of rubber or other waterproof materials. They are installed around the openings in the hull, such as the doors and windows.

Watertight seals are essential for keeping a ship afloat. Without them, water would quickly seep into the hull and sink the ship.

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